Welcome to the newest version of the SCAN website. Take some time to browse the site. In a nutshell, the goal in the website re-design was to move from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0. Web 2.0 allows for more interactivity, such as blogs and discussions boards, and greater use of media and technology.
My name is Marie Dunford and I am SCAN's volunteer web editor. I am excited to be involved with the SCAN website again. Way back when, I chaired the committee that developed SCAN’s first website. The server that hosted the site was located in a closet across from my office and I backed up the content on floppy disks. How times have changed!
This website would not be possible without the Website Development Task Force, five volunteers who shepherded the website from idea to reality—Tara Coghlin-Dickson, Chris Halagarda, Maggie Moon, Gale Welter, and myself. Our web host, DevBridge, has been a joy to work with. Many thanks to Martin, Aurimas, and the entire team for guiding us through the demanding process of launching the new website. I am confident that you will like what you see.
Ideas, questions, comments, suggestions…. let SCAN know by replying to this post. In future posts, I will highlight different features so we all can become more familiar with the SCAN website. Best, Marie
Marie Dunford, PhD, RD
SCAN Web Editor