Monday, July 12, 2010

Connections that grow your future

Have you ever sat back and thought of the people in your life who have helped you get to where you are, today?

No one grows and progresses in a bubble. Yea, we’ve heard that one, before. But what does it really mean?

What brought this up for me was the recent conversation I had with my website designer. I’ve known her for over five years, now. And it all started with one of my first classes in the Women’s Business Center when I started business school. I didn’t even KNOW that this center existed when I first started my business back in 1996! Too bad! But in that class, which was a marketing class, our instructor asked if any of us had business cards.

I was quite proud of my cards: I had created them myself and printed them up as I needed. And I was still using MEG Fitness, because I didn’t know what to do with my business coaching, yet.
Well, Olga looked at my card and, figuratively, tore it apart! Why did I have these figures, what do these colors mean, why do I have this line here? Heck, I don’t know; because it all looked good?!
First lesson in marketing – have a purpose and plan.

Oh, and why was my business called MEG Fitness when I was offering business coaching?? Oh yea; good question.

But, I loved it and valued her mentor-ship a great deal. We may not stay in close touch, but we will always stay in touch, and I know she loves to tell that story as much as I do.

But what else came out of that relationship was her introduction to Suzan from Creative Raven, who first started out as my graphic designer. Olga kindly said to me, “You need to contact this lady so she can design a new business card for you.” Got it! But, I knew she was right and thus began a relationship with a wonderful business professional who has helped me grow and refine my image through the years.

Think about every connection you have. Yea, this can be hard. So think of the most recent connections. Where did these people come from? What developed as a result? I bet if you think about it, you’ll be able to think of at least ONE story like what I shared above. Who did you meet at a meeting, who then gave your name to someone else for an opportunity?

Never skip the chance to meet someone or have a conversation with someone. You never know what might develop. I literally could tell dozens of such stories as above.

I’m going to share one last story with you: In a presentation I gave in April, I spoke about my experience with Toastmasters. I believe that ANYONE who speaks, or wants to speak, publicly, should join Toastmasters. Last weekend, as Treasurer of my club, I attended the Toastmasters Leadership Training. In our first break-out session, we each stood up to introduce ourselves. After my table, someone in the next table stood up and shared that because of ME, she had joined Toastmasters! WOW! When she and I spoke later, I realized the impact that my talk had on her AND the impact that this decision will have in her career (which is exactly my mission!).

But, as I gave her and her fellow club officer my cards to invite them to an upcoming book signing event, she shared that she was glad she ran into me again, because she wanted me to come speak at her company.


Marjorie Geiser, MBA, RD, NSCA-CPT
MEG Enterprises