Currently, potatoes rank as the number one vegetable
consumed in America. Usually we enjoy them deep fried or loaded for a heart
attack. Most health enthusiastic dismisses the potato as a fattening carbohydrate
source or bans it from diets because it is stereotyped as a white no, no.
Remove the deadly toppings and deep frying and a potato is a
low calorie, high fiber food that offers significant protection against
cardiovascular disease and cancer. Potatoes
also contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity. Among
these important health-promoting compounds are carotenoids, flavonoids, which
exhibit activity against free radicals. Potatoes are a very good source of
vitamin C, a good source of vitamin B6, copper, potassium, and manganese all
vital nutrients for the endurance athlete.
The power of Vitamin B6- A cup of baked potato contains 21.0% of the daily value of vitamin B6
which is involved I more than 100 enzymatic reactions. Enzymes are proteins that help chemical
reactions take place, so vitamin B6 is active virtually everywhere in the body.
Many of the building blocks of protein, amino acids, require B6 for
their synthesis. Runners rely on this
resynthesize for proper recovery.
Vitamin B6 is also
necessary for the breakdown of glycogen, the form in which sugar is stored in
our muscle cells and liver, so this vitamin is a key player in athletic
performance and endurance.
Perfect Potato
It is better to buy potatoes individually from a display
versus a plastic bag. This allow you to inspect for signs of decay or damage,
also the plastic bags are not perforated and cause a buildup of moisture that
can negatively affect the potatoes. Potatoes
should be firm, well-shaped and relatively smooth, and should not be sprouting
or have green coloration.
Potatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator, as their
starch content will turn to sugar giving them an undesirable taste. In
addition, do not store potatoes near onions, as the gases that they each emit
will cause the degradation of one another. Store in a paper bag for best
results and potatoes do not freeze well.
Enjoy the Potato
Purée roasted garlic, cooked potatoes and olive
oil together to make delicious mashed potatoes.
Toss steamed diced potato with olive oil and
fresh herbs of choice pair with any lean meat.
Bake homemade French fries at 450 for 30-45
A baked potato with spray butter and light sour
cream or Greek Yogurt can complement any lean meat after an intense workout to
replenish glycogen stores.