Juggling work, family, and daily responsibilities –
it seems as though there is not enough time in the day. When this is the case,
it may be hard finding time to meet with your health care team when you need
supplement advice or have related questions. Thus, for supplement advice you
may turn to daytime television personalities who tout the next “breakthrough,”
or “revolutionary,” supplement. However, doing so can set you up for false hope.
Most of the information is based off poorly designed experiments facilitating
inconclusive results and therefore misleading claims.
navigating the confusing world of supplements and supplement fraud may be
overwhelming – the Office of Dietary Supplements has made it their mission to
help you untangle it all. Their mission is simple, to strengthen your knowledge
and understanding of dietary supplements. At www.ods.od.nih.gov
you will find seemingly endless resources for anything and everything dietary
supplement related – and the best part is, it is user friendly.

Take glucosamine for
example. Its various forms and uses can create a head scratcher. Simply by
using the search box you can find helpful information on its effectiveness,
what form may be a better choice, and if there are any safety concerns
associated with the use of the product. More specifically, drug/supplement
reactions or allergies. If you happen to be allergic to shellfish – which is
one of the eight most common ingredients that trigger food allergies – there
may be a reaction because glucosamine is a derivative of shellfish.
with supplement use also comes supplement fraud. Even though the FDA cannot
regulate supplements, they play a big role in consumer protection. On the
Office of Dietary Supplements website there is a subcategory under “Health
Information,” titled “Consumer Protection.” Under this tab there are several
links which navigate you to the FDA website. There you will find information on
how to spot health fraud, warnings and safety information, and consumer updates
on dietary supplements. This is a great tool to reference, so next time someone
is touting a “magical” supplement or a product which promises to help you “melt
the pounds” in days … Run. Run as fast as you can.
the ODS website is there to provide users with information to better understand
the role of dietary supplements in health. Always consult with a Registered
Dietitian to discuss both the advantages and risks of using dietary
Van De Walle is an ISSA Certified Fitness Trainer, a NANBF Natural Competitive
bodybuilder, and a dietetic student at South Dakota State University. Following
graduation, Gavin will pursue his Ph.D. in nutritional sciences while aiming to
make a positive impact on the over well-being and nutritional status of the
American people along the way.