Saturday, May 10, 2014

Get In the Game: SCAN Symposium 2014

The 30th annual SCAN Symposium is quickly approaching! Why should an RD be interested in attending? What will they get out of it? Cutting edge sports nutrition information is one thought to consider. See what presenter, Dr. Steve Hertzler, has to say about his session: The Paleo Diet: From Stone Age to Today’s Athletes.

What is your area of expertise and your experience as a research scientist?
Dr. Steve Hertzler is presently a Senior Research Scientist at Abbott Nutrition. Prior to joining Abbott, Dr. Hertzler was a faculty member at The Ohio State University in the Division of Medical Dietetics in the School of Allied Medical Professions and the Department of Human Nutrition. He completed his Bachelor of Science in Community-Medical Dietetics at Viterbo College in 1988 and his PhD in Human Nutrition from the University of Minnesota in 1995. He is also a Registered Dietitian with 3 years of clinical experience. Dr. Hertzler is an author on 20 peer-reviewed scientific research articles and 6 book chapters. He is a member of the NSCA, the ACSM, the CPDSA, and the Sports, Cardiovascular, and Wellness Nutrition dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association (SCAN).

What will you be presenting on at the SCAN Symposium in June?
I will provide a scientific critique of the strengths and the weaknesses of the Paleo diet for athletes.  In particular, I will review the book entitled, “The Paleo Diet for Athletes” by Loren Cordain and Joe Friel from 2012.

Why is it essential for sports dietitians to hear the information in your presentation? 
The Paleo diet is a hot trend right now among athletes, especially in programs like Crossfit.  Dietitans get questions about the Paleo diet frequently. They need good scientific information on both the positives and negatives of this diet to help answer these questions. My presentation will arm dietitians with this knowledge to help educate the athletes they work with.

Can other health professionals who are not dietitians benefit from the information? If so, who? 
Personal trainers, athletic trainers, and sports medicine physicians are among those who could benefit from this information.

Overall, what is the number one reason you think dietitians should attend SCAN symposium? 
Personal interactions and networking that can be gained from SCAN are so important.  Attending SCAN allows participants to update their skill set for nutrition AND interact personally with other professionals in the field.  While there are lots of ways to update your knowledge base in today’s high tech world, there is no substitute for those personal interactions with other professionals.

Join your fellow nutrition professionals at the 30th Annual SCAN Symposium from June 27-29, 2014 at the Sawmill Creek Resort in Huron, Ohio.