Monday, February 27, 2012

Sleep It Off

Studies show that fat mobilization increases when caffeine is consumed 45 minutes prior to a workout.  Researchers have been looking at lengths of recovery over the past several years, in particular, sleep.  

This spells out greater gains in athletic improvement or on the scale.  

The American Academy of Sleep Science has been working on an ongoing study Cheri Mah of the Stanford Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Laboratory gives athletes these tips.

  • Make sleep a part of your regular training regimen.
  • Extend nightly sleep for several weeks to reduce your sleep debt before competition.
  • Maintain a low sleep debt by obtaining a sufficient amount of nightly sleep (seven to eight hours for adults, nine or more hours for teens and young adults).
  • Keep a regular sleep-wake schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same times every day.
  • Take brief naps to obtain additional sleep during the day, especially if drowsy.

As reported in Women's Health Magazinethe journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise followed 16 participants standardized diets. Post-workout meals after resistance training had a snack of 20 g protein and 60 g carbohydrates.  30 minutes before bed, some participants were given a beverage with 40 
grams of casein protein and the other group fasted. 

The research team took blood samples to evaluate participants' protein absorption.  

Participants who consumed the protein drink prior to sleep had an improvement of 22% in muscle protein synthesis. 

That's research to sleep on.    


Carlson, C. "Strengthen your muscles in your sleep."Women's Health Magazine. Rodale, 22 February 2012. 0. Web. 27 Feb 2012. <>.

Mah, C, Mah KE, Dement WC.  "EXTENDED SLEEP AND THE EFFECTS ON MOOD AND ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE IN COLLEGIATE SWIMMERS".  Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, US.